Author Archive

“Why Worry about Worry?” (Leung)

Matthew 6:25-34

Stephen Leung explores Jesus’ instruction in the Sermon on the Mount to not worry.


“Living the Grand Story: Structuring Our Church for Community” (Lutjens)

Ephesians 1:15 – 2:22

The need for real, true community is great in the church. As we embark on a new small group effort at Old Orchard, Ron Lutjens shows some of the results that will come about from renewing our commitment to community in general, and community groups in particular.


“Forgive Us Our Debts, Part 2” (Lutjens)

Matthew 6:12

In the continuing sermon series on the Lord’s Prayer, Ron Lutjens explains the interplay between our willingness to forgive others and God’s willingness to forgive us.


“Forgive Us Our Debts, Part 1” (Lutjens)

Matthew 6:12

What does it mean to experience and extend forgiveness? In the continuing series on the Lord’s Prayer, Ron Lutjens explains what’s involved in forgiving others.


“Give Us this Day Our Daily Bread” (Tucker)

Matthew 6:11 (Audio note: some portions of the audio are distorted. We should be all fixed next week)

As part of the ongoing sermon series on the Gospel of Matthew, Mark Tucker reflects on what it means to ask God to supply our daily needs


“The Story God Started: Bringing Outsiders to Hope” (Lutjens)

Matthew 2:1-12

The story of the visit of the magi to Mary and Joseph’s house in Bethlehem serves as a backdrop for Ron Lutjens’ exhortation for Christians to remain outwardly focused, making the most of each and every opportunity to share the good news of the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus with outsiders.


“Love Your Enemies” (Leung)

Sunday Sermon (Matthew 5:43-48)

In the ongoing sermon Series on Matthew, Stephen Leung urges us to go “deeper and wider” love for those who would oppose us.


Brett Hartman Tribute to Seth Dyrness

Brett Hartman shares his reflection on the life and influence of Seth Dyrness. Seth entered Jesus’ presence on October 16 or 17, 2006.


Alan Mills Tribute to Seth Dyrness

Alan Mills shares his reflection on the life and influence of Seth Dyrness. Seth entered Jesus’ presence on October 16 or 17, 2006.


“Jesus on Retaliation–Doormat Theology” (Lutjens)

Sunday Sermon (Matthew 5:38-42)

Sermon Series on Matthew
Ron Lutjens, senior pastor, preaching.

When Jesus told us to “turn the other cheek” was he wanting to encourage milquetoast Chritianity, in which we just get walked over all the time? No, he was promoting a  plan of counter attack that met evil with good, and in so doing made evil cave in on itself.


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