Archive for January, 2012

“The Sanctity of Human Life: Foundations in Creation and Redemption” (Lutjens)

Psalm 139; Proverbs 24:11-12
Ron Lutjens, pastor, preaching.

NOTE: Sound quality was so poor that a large section of the sermon had to be cut out. There is a tone on the recording where the cut happens.

You can listen to the sermon, or download the bulletin or Tidbits.


“The Sanctity of Human Life: Foundations in Creation” (Lutjens)

Psalm 24:1-2
Ron Lutjens, pastor, preaching.

You can listen to the sermon or download the bulletin.


“Motivation for Missions” (Norris)

Revelation 5
Kirk Norris, seminary intern, preaching.

NOTE: Sound quality of the sermon recording is extremely poor.

You can listen to the sermon, or download the bulletin or Tidbits.


“A Single Person or an Older Person In the Hand of God” (Lutjens)

Luke 2:21-40
Ron Lutjens, pastor, preaching.

You can listen to the sermon, or download the bulletin or Overture.


“An Ordinary Tradesman in the Hand of God” (Lutjens)

Matthew 1:18-25; 2:19-33
Ron Lutjens, pastor, preaching.

NOTE: Sound quality is poor in some places on the recording; our apologies.

You can listen to the sermon, or download the bulletin or Tidbits.
