Archive for November, 2014

PARTIAL: “Being Salt and Light for the Kingdom of Desire” (Lutjens)

Matthew 5:13-16
Ron Lutjens, lead pastor, preaching.

NOTE: Sermon recording is partial, starts about twenty minutes into sermon.
You can listen to the sermon here.


“I Lifted My Eyes Toward Heaven” (Robertson)

Daniel 4:34-37
Mark Robertson, associate pastor, preaching.

You can listen to the sermon here.


“Nebuchadnezzar and the Sovereignty of God (Part 2)” (Robertson)

Daniel 4:9-18
Mark Robertson, associate pastor, preaching.

You can listen to the sermon here.


“The Bible’s ‘Conjugal’ View of Marriage and Why It Matters Publicly (Part 2)” (Lutjens)

Genesis 1:26-28 & 2:18-25; Romans 1:21-27 & 2:17-24; Romans 13:1-4; I Peter 2:13-14;Matthew 5:13; Ephesians 4:11-16;I Corinthians 9:19-23

Teaching by Ron Lutjens, senior pastor.

You can listen to the sermon here.
