“How Christians Are Different – and How They Are Not (Part 1)” (Lutjens)

Philippians 4:1-9
Ron Lutjens, lead pastor, preaching


“Living Water for a Thirsty World” (Patrick)

John 4:4-30

Matt Patrick, seminary intern, preaching


“Living As the Holy Church in an Unholy World (Part 3)” (Lutjens)

Or, “Why Everybody Knows We Need Authority and Discipline to Flourish”
Sermon Series on 1 Corinthians
Life Lessons from an Ancient City
1 Corinthians 2:12-16; 5; 9:19,21-22
Ron Lutjens, pastor, preaching


“Living As the Holy Church in an Unholy World (Part 2)” (Lutjens)

Or, “Why Everybody Knows We Need Authority and Discipline to Flourish”
Sermon Series on 1 Corinthians
Life Lessons from an Ancient City
1 Corinthians 2:12-16, 5
Ron Lutjens, pastor, preaching


“Living as the Holy Church in an Unholy World” (Lutjens)

Or, “Why Everybody Knows We Need Authority and Discipline to Flourish”
Sermon Series on 1 Corinthians
Life Lessons from an Ancient City
1 Corinthians 5
Ron Lutjens, pastor, preaching


“Putting the Kingdom First: God’s Answer to Our Anxiety” (Lutjens)


“Resurrection Hope Up Against Our Doubts and Weariness” (Lutjens)

1 Corinthians 15:35-38
Ron Lutjens, pastor, preaching


“God, His Leaders, and the Led” (Lutjens)

1 Corinthians 4:1-16; 9:24-27
Ron Lutjens, pastor, preaching.


“I Am David, I Am Abishai” (Lutjens)

Sermon Series on 1 Corinthians: Life Lessons from an Ancient City

From 2 Samuel 15; 16:5-14; Psalm 141:5; Proverbs 27:5-6
As prelude to 1 Corinthians 4:1-5

Ron Lutjens, pastor, preaching


Meditations on the Great Commission (Bayer)

Dr. Hans Bayer, Covenant Seminary professor, preaching.


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