Link of the Day:
From today’s ByFaithOnline update:
John W. Hendryx, a member of Intown PCA in Portland, Ore., is the founder and keeper of He states that the purposes of this site are: To equip Christians in the truth by making available the finest classic articles and resources of historical orthodoxy, to teach the whole counsel of God so that the gospel will affect and transform all areas of our lives, to stress important doctrines that have been lost or set aside in order to bring about the recovery of the gospel, and to bring glory and honor to God by stressing that the Scriptures are a divine self-disclosure that is God-centered, not man-centered and that the work of salvation is a monergistic work of grace.
Ron said,
February 8, 2006 @ 1:05 pm is a fantastic site full of terrific material. I have spent plenty of time there!
Pip said,
February 16, 2006 @ 10:52 pm
I thought I had mentioned Theopedia, a theological wiki, a few weeks ago, but perhaps I didn’t. Another good one. said,
January 3, 2014 @ 5:19 pm
The OOC » Link of the Day: