Comments, Criticisms of the OOC Site and Blog

We released the slightly redesigned version of the OOC web site and publicly announced the blog this week, so I’l like to give everyone the opportunity to provide feedback — good, bad or ugly! — on either one. Please post your comments or (constructive) criticism to this topic. Thanks.

p.s. The site is best viewed with a Mozilla/Firefox/etc. browser. If you’re using Internet Explorer, you’re not only missing out on the full beauty of the OOC site (cough, cough), but you’re putting yourself at a higher security risk (seriously).


  1. J East said,

    January 11, 2005 @ 10:13 am

    Two things:

    1. Yes, yes, I know Mozilla is supposed to be great, but IE for Windows 2000 Pro is much better, with Pop-up blocking and stuff. (But let me ask, can I run both?)

    2. I think I will be putting a blurb in the next Overture about the blog. (if I am allowed to) Would anyone volunteer one of there posts to be copied in the Overture, so that people get an idea of the content?

  2. Pip said,

    January 12, 2005 @ 2:33 pm

    You can indeed run both IE and Mozilla/Firefox simultaneously, or simply have them both installed on your computer and use one at a time.

    My posts are all fair game, but I’m not sure if any are worthy of reprinting. 😉

  3. Pip said,

    January 12, 2005 @ 2:36 pm

    Also, I submitted a simple announcement (like the one I emailed to people) about the site and blog, so you’re welcome to replace that.

  4. J East said,

    January 14, 2005 @ 10:10 am

    Okay, I will try to down load it too my laptop.

  5. Ron said,

    January 17, 2005 @ 8:49 am

    Great looking site y’all! I think this is going to work out really well and I’m excited to see it grow and really get used.

    On the Mozilla/ IE thing – the newest iteration of Mozilla (Firefox) really is fantastic. It loads faster than IE 2000, has built in pop-blocking, and supports tabbed browsing. Plus it doesn’t seem to have the number of security holes that IE typically has.

    Just my quick 2 cents as I get ready to start the day.

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