A Scathing review of the latest “Star Wars” saga
STLtoday – Entertainment – Movies
The P-D had this review about the last installment of the “Star Wars” hex-ilogy. I’ve never been a fan of these films (I actually never saw any of the original three in their entirety until they were re-released before the first of the prequel movies), but this seems to sum up what I’ve expierenced of all of them.
Any other thoughts about this series? Any ruffled feathers?
Ron said,
May 18, 2005 @ 12:47 pm
You didn’t see the original 3 until the re-release? Well no wonder you can’t understand the meta-narrative – you have to be able to allow your inner 10 year old to be channeled in order to truly understand the significance of these movies! [end sarcasm font]
Actually, I have to say that while I’m not exactly a fan of Star Wars, I am looking forward to seeing “Revenge of the Sith” probably due to “force of habit” as the reviewer puts it. No, they aren’t great cinema; yes, they have become pretentious and self-parodying; but doggone it I still want to see it.
After watching the PBS series where Joseph Campbell is interviewed by Bill Moyers, it’s pretty clear that right from the beginning Lucas wanted to create some sort of mythology. I think his intentions were probably on the same scale as Tolkien’s only in space, unfortunately he doesn’t seem to have the ability or imagination that Tolkien had. I think he tried too hard and ended up creating fluff. Fluff I want to see, but fluff non-the-less.
(The opinions expressed here are exactly that and are not intended to express knowledge of any kind)
Ron said,
May 18, 2005 @ 12:49 pm
By the way, I can’t wait to see “Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy” either…that’s probably my inner 13-year-old trying to get out.
keener said,
May 18, 2005 @ 5:16 pm
If you’re interested in remakes and sequels, this is the summer for you! There’s “The Longest Yard,” starring Chris Rock (and a cameo by ol’ Burt); “The Bad News Bears” will play again; and on and on. Those of us interested in a true movie experience will have to wait with bated breath for the release of “Madagascar.” (Emma and I already have a date to go see it together).
keener said,
May 18, 2005 @ 5:26 pm
My “inner 10 year old” is still trying to fighure out why all the other “inner ten year olds” in my neighborhood would run out of their houses each summer morning shouting things to each other like “did you bring your storm troopers?” and “I got the land speeder” and “can you believe that Darth Vader is Luke’s father?” It befuddled me then, it *completely* befuddles me now.
Two years ago I watched two grown men (at least that’s my hypothesis) spend hours talking about and sharing their “Star Wars” trading cards. These guys were completely gaga over these pieces of cardboard, and weren’t interested a lick in the Mark McGwire rookie card I had. (It’s wierd. That card has bulked up about 25 pounds since I got it. I should probably stop putting my Balco greeting cards in with it).
So, no, I don’t get “Star Wars.” For a better sci-fi mythology, I turn to “Star Trek.” (where’d I put that Kirk rookie card. . .)
Pip said,
May 19, 2005 @ 10:51 pm
Williams’s article was pretty on-target, though I’m not a big fan of his. For instance, I read his companion piece on the trilogy, and wondered what the heck he meant by “Sexual desire, the ultimate symbol of adult engagement with the outside world…” — sounds like he’s got some hangups, to put it mildly.
Pip said,
May 19, 2005 @ 11:23 pm
Another review, from a Christian POV.
Pip said,
May 19, 2005 @ 11:57 pm
And one final commentary, before I call it a night. This one deals with the mythology of the films and in particular, unpacks the Eastern and Western religious influences and motifs.