Mardi Keyes’ Article on Adolescence

At the retreat (which my family also enjoyed thoroughly by the way), Jerram Barrs spoke about parenting, and he mentioned an article written by Mardi Keyes on the topic of adolescence. Ron Lutjens mentioned that there is a copy in the church library, and there is. I also found a .pdf file at Ransom Fellowship’s site. click the link below to read this outstanding article.

Youth Culture and Growing Up

You may be interested in reading others of the wealth of articles at Ransom Fellowship. You can find a list of all the articles here. (There’s a link at the top of most of these pages to get .pdf files.

1 Comment »

  1. Ron said,

    May 19, 2005 @ 2:50 pm

    Thanks for the link, I’m looking forward to reading this.

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