Hurricane-Relief Outrage
In worship Sunday, Ron alluded to the outrage and anger that people have about the hurricane-relief response, and I’ve since talked with a few other Christians who’ve had a similar reaction. But it begs the question: Outrage and anger at whom? Ron didn’t specify, but presumably he was referring to the failure of leadership of New Orleans and Lousiana elected officials, and not to the misplaced blame being heaped on President Bush, like some cheap political opportunists (read: NY Times, CBS, CNN, and the other alphabet networks) have.
Since the confusion over whom is to blame can lead people to drastically different conclusions, and Ron didn’t clarify something to the effect that “Christians in good conscience can honestly disagree with each other on this issue,” one presumes that there is a singular right response on whom to blame. Thus, I would’ve appreciated it if this would’ve been made clear.
For some good insight into what led to the rescue problems, here are some good articles:
- Blame amid the tragedy
- Ghastly oversight in New Orleans
- Bureaucratic failure
- No plan ever made to help New Orleans’ most vulnerable
- Katrina Aftermath Choke
And the outrage icing on the cake: Mayor Nagin is now offering five-day vacations to Las Vegas for New Orleans’s overworked police officers.
As Christians we are to stand up and speak out for justice. In this case, it means speaking out against intrenched corruption and deceit in government, as evidenced by the manifold failures and chicanery of New Orleans and Lousiana government. It also means defending those who are wrongfully accused, like President Bush. It starts with knowing the facts of the matter instead of merely rolling along with the cultural tidal wave of indictment.
Oh, and in slightly related news: Michael Hyatt, CEO of Thomas Nelson publishing house, gets reamed for donating 100,000 Bibles to the relief effort.
Finally, some PCA-related links:
Nathan Hart said,
September 9, 2005 @ 8:00 am
wait, this is a church‘s blog? why all the political linkage? i don’t understand. has the republican party purchased and bastardized the message of Jesus wholesale in this country? is George Bush the Second Coming? did i miss something?
“My kindgom is not of this world” –Jesus
Pip said,
September 9, 2005 @ 9:59 am
Just trying to provide a little counterbalance to the myths and character assassinations that are going on right now. You’re right about Jesus’s kingdom not of this world, but aren’t we also called to work for justice and truth while we still live in the world? “On earth as it is in heaven…”
Did you happen to read any of the actual articles, or did you just write them off when you saw the URLs? I think they’re pretty level-headed and fair. Perhaps you’d like to discuss the actual points the articles make before prejudging them. I’m all for an honest discussion of the issues.
By the way, I checked out your blog — I guess I find it ironic and hypocritical that you would criticize my one post when your own blog seems to fuse politics and religion (including references to Fox News and Pres. Bush, and a prominent link to the activist As you write yourself, “blue/red R/D conservative/liberal stark divide is bad for our society.” However, your words sound empty, since you have prejudged the information I provided in good faith precisely because of your own political bias.
Pip said,
September 12, 2005 @ 11:31 am
I wanted to clarify that in my post I’m not trying to speak for Ron. I’m not sure where he was directing his comments, so I apologize if I sounded like I was appropriating his name for my own opinion.
Nathan Hart said,
September 12, 2005 @ 12:02 pm
the entire post i commented on is not shy in its blatant endorsement of Republican institutions. there is such a fusion of the political right and the Christian message that i’m not sure anything i say can be heard as something other than Limbaugh-labeled “liberalism.” but i’ll try…
everything panned in this post is “local governments” (which in this situation are run by democrats), and everything defended or supported is republican (i.e. George Bush).
because this is a CHURCH website, i simply wondered why there was such political leaning, especially in the face of a disaster which requires assistance and servitude from Christ-followers, which unites, instead of perpetuation of american politics, which divides.
the post on this church blog does nothing but participate in the political blame game. it’s a waste of time for anyone wanting to really pursue justice or follow Christ’s example of serving others.
as for your comment about my blog, i think you missed the point entirely. yes, entirely. the post i wrote was about how different institutions in the press represent data differently, presenting (and thus creating) different truths about the same reality. it was intended to show that this time of political division is unhelpful and misses the goal we COULD be striving for right now, that is, uniting and assisting. i see your own political allegiances prevented you from participating in unity, which further alleviates my concern about the apparent marriage of politics and Christ-following.
grace to you and peace.
Nathan Hart said,
September 12, 2005 @ 12:10 pm
P.S. it is simply foolish and naive to say that MakePovertyHistory is some kind of politically partisan organization. it has the support of Pat Robertson, Bill Clinton, Bono, Nelson Mandela, Jimmy Carter, and many many many more people from all different political and ideaological perspectives.
keener said,
September 13, 2005 @ 7:56 am
Thanks so much for adding your perspective to our blog. To answer your question, no, our church is not a representative of the republican party. This blog is a forum in which members of our church can share their perspective, and in which we ca uphold one of the values that we hold very dear: the exchange of ideas and the pursuit of objective truth. I won’t get involved in the particular issues that are in this post, but I’m sure that if you read other posts, you’ll see that there are a wide variety of perspectives on a number of issues. You are right. God is not the God of republicans only, nor is he the God of democrats or any other political party. He supercedes them all, and we are responsible to work out how we live Coram Deo, before the face of God.
Anonymous said,
September 22, 2005 @ 3:18 pm
Can’t ideas be discussed in humility and with grace? Why, in order to feel justified in our positions, do we need to villianize or belittle those who oppose us?
This isn’t a haughty condescension, nor is it a slap on the wrist. I am sincerely asking. I grew up in church and am still part of a church and this kind of battering and viciousness has been present in varying degrees everywhere. Can’t we look for a way to attack error and pronounce truth without attacking the people who hold erroneous views and pronouncing ourselves righteous?
Liz said,
July 6, 2006 @ 7:06 pm
Why can’t a church/church member have a political view? Are Christians not members of their society? Why are we not allowed to have a voice in the political process? I do not think that Chrisitans are called to set themselves apart from the governmental and political workings of their society; Christians are called to be the salt of the earth, and the salt can’t flavor the meat if it is sitting in the shaker up in the cabinet.
And Christians do not think there are different truths about the same reality. There is truth. And there is falsehood. And to quote a person whom I greatly admire “sometimes you have to draw the line in the sand and stand for truth.”