Updated Bible search online
BibleGateway is updated with easier searching and more foreign-language translations. (Hat tip: Don Branson)
BibleGateway is updated with easier searching and more foreign-language translations. (Hat tip: Don Branson)
(From OpinionJournal online’s Taste page –Matt)
Exclusion and Embrace
Maybe the networks should air that United Church of Christ ad–and allow a rebuttal.
Friday, December 3, 2004 12:01 a.m. EST
Leaders of the United Church of Christ are incensed that two TV networks, CBS and NBC, are refusing to air a commercial celebrating the denomination’s “all-inclusive welcome,” not least toward gays and lesbians. Network executives call the ad “too controversial,” while church leaders cry censorship. Both sides are missing an opportunity to elevate the debate about gay marriage.
The 30-second ad shows a beefy bouncer working a rope line outside a church. He’s keeping various people out: Latinos, African-Americans and gay couples. Words flash across the screen: “Jesus didn’t turn people away. Neither do we.” The scene shifts to the inside of a UCC church, with an obviously diverse and happy congregation. Two women embrace in the final scene.
UCC officials are explicit about the ad’s discrimination theme. “In the 1960s, the issue was the mixing of races. Today the issue appears to be sexual orientation,” says Ron Buford, coordinator for the UCC campaign. “In both cases, it’s about exclusion.” In other words, according to UCC logic, churches that uphold traditional marriage are on par with the racists of the Jim Crow South. Call it faith-based bigotry.
That kind of slur was apparently too much for NBC, whose spokeswoman said that the network objected not to the portrayal of same-sex couples in church but to the insinuation that other faith traditions routinely discriminate. Both CBS and NBC also have policies banning “advocacy” ads and cite the current debate over the federal marriage amendment. The ad has been accepted by other broadcast and cable networks, however, including ABC Family, BET, Fox, TNT and Nick at Nite.
Nevertheless, the UCC smells censorship–and worse. “By refusing to air the United Church of Christ’s paid commercial, CBS and NBC are stifling religious expression,” says UCC spokeswoman Gloria Tristani. Such decisions, she says, put freedom of speech “in jeopardy.” That’s overheated. Media outlets have a First Amendment right to reject messages they find too controversial, misleading or inflammatory…
[article truncated — click here for full article]
Received the following e-mail last week and thought you might be interested (apologies to those of you who got it, too).
Good Morning –
We are especially thankful this season that byFaith is now the official print magazine of the PCA. And that by God’s grace we’ll begin production with the January 2005 issue.
For the past eighteen months we’ve been raising the start-up capital for this project and God has, according to his schedule, generously provided what we need to create a first-class magazine.
This is an important step for us. The PCA has been, to this point, the largest denomination in the United States without a magazine. And we – perhaps more than any other denomination—have in our pulpits, pews, and classrooms men and women who can spur us on toward love and good deeds. In every issue of the magazine you’ll find –
News – reported primarily from PCA churches, presbyteries, and ministries—but also other news of interest to those who view the world from a Christian and Reformed perspective.
In the Church/PCA People – provides profiles and stories from our congregations and ministries. And in almost every case you’ll also find a connection point: a name and phone number – a place to follow up and learn more.
In the World – brings a Reformed perspective to the social and theological issues that influence our society: business, science, education, law, technology.
Theology for Ordinary Life – deals with ministry of life at home, at work, at church, and in the community—discussing how, in our day-to-day tasks, we become a part of God’s redemptive plan.
Art and Culture – presents a biblical perspective on art, music, books, television, movies…enabling us to engage our friends naturally, intelligently, and from a Christian point of view.
If you haven’t already, please subscribe to the print edition of byFaith (and keep in mind, this helps us sustain and improve our online magazine). A one-year subscription (six issues) is just $19.95. And discounts are provided for two-year or three-year commitments. Please click on the link in the adjacent ad and subscribe now.
Would you also let your friends and colleagues know that the PCA’s magazine is now available? And if your church would like to subscribe to multiple copies, please give us a call at 678-825-1000.
In His Service,
Dick Doster, Editor
ByFaith Magazine / byFaithonline.com
I don’t get out enough. For example, I found out too late about the apparently wonderful local production of a new play about the friendship of CS Lewis and JRR Tolkien, Eagle and Child: J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis, written by Jason Cannon and performed by the Historyonics Theatre Company. I heard it was great, and I read a positive review. Anyone attend?
Speaking of performances I’ve missed, I’d like to watch the film Luther. Care to join me?
As someone at Free Republic put it, “The world’s largest killer of children is ‘celebrating’ the birth of Christ.”
I could say so many things about this, and yet nothing about it. Talk amongst yourselves. How do we as Christians respond to this?
Last night (Wed., Nov 17) at the congregational meeting, the membership voted unanimously to continue with the building renovation plans as generally presented and to authorize the session to hire Laurent Torno, our architect, to begin design documents for the purpose of obtaining contractor bids in the future.
Since we did not vote on the particulars and details of the design, but rather the general concept and elements, Ron encouraged us all to contribute our suggestions for the more detailed next phase of design, so that Laurent can incorporate them. Ron set a deadline of Dec. 15 for all sugestions. Go ahead and post your suggestions here, and I’ll make sure than Ron/the Session sees them. After all, we’ve got Jack reading this blog already!
I think that this most recent Movie@Milligan House (Monsoon Wedding) was what we were envisioning for this ministry. We had around 25-30 people, including several non-OOCers, and I heard that the post-film discussion lingered on well after the official “ending time.” Obviously, publicizing the event a few weeks ahead of time helped our turnout.
Going forward: I think we’re going to take December off, but resume in January. So far, I don’t have any movies planned, so I’d like suggestions. Also, I’d like to hear general feedback about M@MH so far, and if there’s anything you’d like to see or do additionally or differently.
I attended Ron’s post-worship sermon discussion last Sunday and thought we had a good turnout and lively talk. One of the things we briefly covered at the end was our sources of information, both from places we tend to agree with as well as those that have an opposing viewpoint. Ron suggested that we come up with a list of sources that we could share with others, say, in the Overture.
To that end, I’d like to begin this blog by repeating that question: Where do you get your information from? What do you read, and why?
I’ll get us started:
I keep up with the Wall Street Journal’s Opinion Journal pretty much on a daily basis, especially their Best of the Web Today. Some others: